If you need more than one extra tag copy on a symbol, name the attributes COPYTAG01, COPYTAG02, and so on. It allows for adding a suffix and/or prefix to the TAG text. A special replaceable parameter, '%T', can be encoded onto the COPYTAG attribute prompt value of the block definition.
When the program updates a TAG1, TAG2, split tag, or TAGSTRIP attribute, it also looks for and updates any COPYTAG attributes present on the symbol. (Child only) Same as TAG1_PART1 and TAG1_PART2 but for child components.Īttribute that can carry a copy of the tag value. If a component with a split tag is marked as Fixed, the attribute names are automatically changed to TAG1F_PART1 and TAG1F_PART2. Note: The default for the %F tagging parameter, as described in TAG1 previously, is carried on the TAG1_PART1 piece of the attribute pair.